Being overly-accommodating can lower the value of chiropractic. Yes, we want to be available to help patients, but if we overload them with supply, we can decrease the demand. Be available – but not overly available.
Tone down the cockiness
Lesson learned about what NOT to do as a salesperson. Don’t be quick to jump in to sound smart or to point out flaws in patients’ thinking. Meet them where they are and guide them. You don’t change people’s minds by showing them how wrong they are and how right we are.
The myth of total compliance
Contrary to what you might be told – there is no such thing as total compliance. There are always ways to improve, but don’t let some salesman tell you that their protocol is magical and can turn any stranger into lifelong patients that prepay and refer. Do your best, and always strive to improve.
Can you control compliance?
Understand what is in your control and what isn’t. Do what you can, and empower the patient to make their own decisions.
Practice Name: Important?
Is the name of your practice important? Not as much as you might think. There are other things that are much more important to your success in practice. Here’s how the name of your practice fits into your success plan.
Technique is not enough – (and book recommendation)
Being a good technician is only one part of being a successful real-world chiropractor. Keep improving your technique, but start learning the other aspects of running a business.
Recommended books:
The E-Myth Revisited
The E-Myth Physician
Don’t bring your baggage to the office
Your patients are looking to you for healing and support. And you need to give that to them, even if your world is falling apart around you. When possible – you need to check your baggage at the door and show up as the doctor and the healer in the office.
Know when to ditch the script
Scripts aren’t bad – they just don’t apply to every patient in every clinic in every situation. Any parrot can repeat a script, but being a real doctor requires you to know when to ditch the script and meet the patient where they are.
Have mentors – but choose carefully
Like it or not – those around you will have a tremendous influence on you. Choose positive mentors who give you practical advice that will move you forward.
Don’t Settle
New grads – don’t settle for bad job offers. Working your butt off and still not being able to pay your bills can extinguish your fire. You don’t have to wait for the perfect job – but don’t settle for a job that will make you exhausted and stressed.