Some people are for em and some are against em. Here’s what they are.
Patients like them for potential discounts, and chiropractors like them because they don’t have to talk money on every visit.
Decide for yourself – and be sure to check with your state to see if they’re allowed!
Author: drdabalos
Tactics vs. Principles
Be flexible about tactics, but steadfast on principles.
Tell patients the truth about subluxation
Not telling them is negligent.
Recommend what they need
Be like Goldilocks. Not too much – not too little.
My issue with vendors
I got no beef with the products or services – it’s their message to us.
Adjusting skill = successful practice?
Is adjusting skill the key to a successful practice?
Success Habits?
Gurus will tell you that success lies in your daily routine.
Yes and no.
Yes, success lies in what you do, but most “gurus” would have you believe that you need to do THEIR prescription of successful habits.
Rise early. Mantras. Dream boards. Staring at yourself in the mirror. Etc.
While those can be beneficial – they are NOT the key to success.
Here’s my proof: There are successful chiropractors who do those things.
And there are successful chiropractors who DON’T do those things.
Adopting someone else’s habits is an OUTSIDE-IN approach.
Any self-respecting chiropractor knows that health comes from the inside-out. That’s how practice success happens as well. Trying to force an outside-in solution onto anything will yield limited results.
Choose your own habits or actions, then do them because you want to.
Not because someone is selling you on their superstition.
Non-compete agreements
Overview of non-compete agreements.
Dress code
It makes a difference – but much less than you’ve been told.
How long should an office visit be?
Here’s the long and the short behind the long or the short…